Beneficial and Profitable Bioflec Fish Farming

Beneficial and Profitable Bioflec Fish Farming

The higher the density and the less water in the bioflux system, the more fish can be collected and kept in one place without changing the water, and this can be beneficial for the future. Problems with water quality, such as ammonia, nitride, occur during storage, and fish production costs up to 50% higher in production, so it is necessary to reduce this cost and increase production. So keeping in mind all these problems, the bioflux system is an alternative, we can store more density fish using less water.

The algae, bacteria, protozoa and other carbonaceous substances in the biofluid tank, such as leftover food, fish feces, etc., are all types of waste that are mixed with bacteria that are released into the food.

During the bioflow fishing, the polythene pole is first filled with water and filled with water, the water should be ventilated, 50 kg / hectare of soil should be poured from other reservoirs, 5 to 25 kg / hectare of nitrate and nitrous nitrate to build up the biomass quickly. Or you have to add sugar. Then the fish / shrimp need to be released and they need food to feed.

Nutrient Levels in Biofluid Foods:

Carbon dioxide is used for organic fertilizer with food, and easily available and cheap carbon sources such as honey, rice husks, wheat husks, honey, sugar, and so on. The daily carbon footprint should be measured to determine the daily carbon footprint associated with the tank. Carbohydrate should be 10 or more (10-20: 1) and the amount of protein in the diet should be known.

As the size increases during storage and storage, fish feces, etc., grow in the lower part of the body, which increases the amount of harmful gases, so all these dirt should be collected and removed, otherwise it will be harmful to the leftover fish.

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