NCERT Class 12 Important Chemistry MCQs for NEET


NCERT Class 12 Important Chemistry Short Questions & Answers NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 5 Surface Chemistry | Important Questions for Class 12 Chemistry Surface Chemistry Class 12 Important Questions

Desert biomes and it’s Type

Desert biomes and its Type

Deserts are characterised by high temperature, bright light, colder nights and scarce animal and plant diversity.
Main deserts of the world are mainly located in the south western USA, Mexico Coastal areas of Chile and Peru (Atacama), North Africa (Sahara), South Africa (Kalahari), Asia (Tibet, Gobi, Thar) and central western Australia etc.

Grassland Biome | Savanna Grassland Biome


These ecosystems (biomes) have thick herbaceous plant cover, but have no trees These biomes are characterised by various species of grasses (family Graminae or Poaceae) Along with grasses many species of legumes (family Leguminosae) are also dominant in these biomes. These legumes make the soil nitrogen rich.

Food web in an Ecosystem | Food web Definition Biology

Ecosystem: components and types of Ecosystem

In an ecosystem, an isolated food chain does not exist. There is an interconnection of various food chains in ecosystem. This interconnection of many food chains is called as food web, A food web expresses the pattern of energy and nutrient flow, throughout the ecosystem.

Food Chain | What are the Trophic Levels in a Food Chain

Ecosystem: components and types of Ecosystem

Transferred to the primary consumers (or herbivores), which directly feed on the plants. From herbivores, the energy is transferred to the next trophic level of secondary consumers (primary carnivores). The energy from secondary consumers is finally transferred to the top carnivores or tertiary consumers.

Decomposition | Mechanism of Decomposition | Factors Affecting Decomposition

Ecosystem: components and types of Ecosystem

Decomposition of biomass and organic matter is also an important process in an ecosystem. The upper layer of Soil is the main site for decomposition processes in the ecosystem.

Components of Ecosystem | Biotic Components of The Ecosystem

Ecosystem: components and types of Ecosystem

Life is incomplete until biotic and abiotic components of ecosystem, Biotic components of the ecosystem include microorganisms (bacteria, protozoans, algae and fungi), plants and animals. These organisms exhibit interspecific as well as intra specific relationships. Because of these relationships, the organisms interact with each other

Components of Ecosystem | Abiotic Components of Ecosystem

Ecosystem: components and types of Ecosystem

In this segment we are going to discuss about the Components of Ecosystem and the major Abiotic Components of Ecosystem so stick around and keep reading. Components of Ecosystem | Abiotic Components of Ecosystem in 2021

What is Ecosystem | Importance of Ecosystem

Ecosystem: components and types of Ecosystem

When I first started to get into environmental issues, the first term that came to my mind was “”ecosystem“”. Then I learned more about it and realized it was much more than a branch of biology….