What Is Oogamy 

algae, All About Algae

The male gamete is smaller and flagellated while the female gamete 1s larger and non-flagellated and thus passive. The male and female gametes are produced in specialised structures called antheridia and oogonia respectively. Oogamy is found in Oedogonium, Vaucheria, etc.

What Is Akinete

algae, All About Algae

These are non-motile spores with a very thick wall which remains fused with the wall of the parent cell. It contains a large amount of food material. In blue-green algae reserves (Cyanophyceae), akinetes are the major organs of reproduction.

What Is Aplanospores?

algae, All About Algae

These are non-motile spores and could be called zoospores arrested in their development. During their development, the units of protoplasm of the sporangium get enveloped by a new cell membrane just before zoospores could develop flagella; e.g., Ulothrix.