Evolution All Important Questions and Answers With Free PDF

Evolution All Important Questions and Answers With Free PDF

This Evolution NEET questions are the most important part of NEET Exam 2021 as it contains total 25 marks and carry good weightage. Here we the team livelearns have discussed the total evolution NEET question which gives you a complete idea about type of questions that will be asked in evolution NEET exam. So just prepare evolution NEET questions and make sure, you qualify NEET exam in your 1st attempt. Evolutions

Have a look ðŸ§¾ Evolution: Theory and History of Evolution, Origin of Life, Evidences of Evolution 

Only bold are answer

  1. Which is the most acceptable and recent theory of organic evolution..

(a) Lamarckian theory of acquired character
(b) Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection
(d) Theory of Isolation
(c) Synthetic theory

  1. While working on the theory of evolution by natural selection, Darwin was greatly influenced

(b) Lamarck’s acquired character
(a) Mutation theory of Hugo de Vries
(C) Weisman’s germplasm theory
(d) Malthus (economist) idea of population control

  1. Mutation theory explaining organic evolution was proposed by Hugo de Vries. He worked on.

(a) Pisum sativum
(b) Drosophila melanogaster
(c) Oenothera lamarckiana
(d) Althea rosea

  1. The idea of Natural Selection as the fundamental process of evolutionary change was reached.

(a)Independently by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1900
(b) By Charles Darwin 1866
(c) By Alfred Russel Wallace in 1901
(d) Independently by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace in 1859

  1. In nature the occurrence of mutations are.

(a) mostly harmful
(b) mostly useful
(c)mostly neutral
(d) None of these

  1. Haeckel’s ‘Recapitulation Theory’ is..

(a) Inheritance of acquired character
(b) Alternation of generation
(c) Ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny
(d) Prodigality of reproduction

  1. Darwin’s theory of Natural Selection to explain organic evolution was based on..

(a) Modifications in organs through use and disuse
(b) Prodigality of reproduction, struggle for existence and sunvival of the fittest
(c) Inheritance of acquired characters
(d) Appearance of sudden large variations, their inheritance and survival of those having these variations

  1. Genetic variation accurs by.

(a) Recombination
(b) Chromosomal aberration
(c) Mutation
(d) All of these

  1. Natural selection really means..

(a) Struggle for existence
(b) Differential reproduction
(c) Survival of the fittest
(d) Elimination of the unfit

  1. Genetic basis of adaptation was demonstrated by..

(a) Weismann
(b) Darwin
(c) De Vries
(d) Lederberg

71, A species inhabiting arerent geographical areas is known as..

(a) Biosphere
(b) Allopatric species
(c) Sympatric species
(c) Sibling species

  1. Reptiles were dominant in

(a) Mesozoic era
(b) Proterozoic era. .(C.B.S.E. P.M.T. 2002)
(c) Palaeozoic era
(d) Coenozoic era

  1. Which is responsible for speciation?

(a) Reproductive isolation
(b) Geographical lsolation . (C.B.S.E. P.M.T. 2002
(c) Natural separation
(d) Behavioural Isolation

  1. Which of the folloWing are homologous organs ?

(a)Wings of cockroach and wings of insects
(b) Wings of bat and wings of cockroach
(c) Wings of bird and head of human (C.B.S.E. P.M.T. 1999)
(d) Nails of human being and claws in animals

  1. Convergent evolution is illustrated by

(a) Rat and Dog
(b) Bacterium and Protozoan (C.B.S.E. P.M.T. 2003)
(c) Starfish and Cuttle fish
(d) Dogfish and Whale

  1. Genetic drift operates only in

(a) Island populations
(b) Smaller populations
(d) Mendelian populations .(C.B.S.E. P.M.T. 199)
(c)Larger populations

  1. Species occuring in different geographical areas are called as

(b) Sibling
(a) Neopatric
(c)-Sympatric (C.B.S.E. P.M.T. 1998)
(d) Allopatric

  1. Which is correct ?

(a) Wings of insects & wings of birds are analogous
(b) Wings of insects & wings of Bats are analogousee steiie
(d) Wings of insects &wings of birds are homologous stre
(c) Wings of Bats & wings of birds are homologous .(J.E.E. 2004)

  1. According to Darwinism fossils of organisms found in South America resembles most, the fossils of

(b) Africa
(a) North America
(c) Both (a) and (b). .(J.E.E. 2004)

  1. Aristotle is associated with

(b) Catastrophism
(a) Scala naturae
(d)Biogenetic law. .( j.E.E. 2004)
(c) Parallelism

  1. In man the vestigeal third eye lid is called.

(b) Nictitating membrane
(a) Upper eye lid
(d) Plica semilunaris .(C.H.S.E. 2005)
(c) Lower eye lid

  1. Which one of the following phenomena supporTs Darwin’s concept of natural selection in organic evolution?

(b) production of ‘Dolly’, the sheep the cloning
(c) adevelopment of transger.ic animals
(d) prevalence of pesticide resistance insects
(c) development of organs from stem r organ transplantation. (A.I.P.M.T. 2005)

  1. There are two opposing views about origin of modern man. According to one view Homo erecte in Asia were the ancestors of modern man. A study of variation of DNA however suggested African origin of modern man. What kind of observation of DNA variation could suggest this ?

(a) greater variation in Asia than in Africa
(b) greater variation in Africa than in Asia
(d) variation only in Asia and no variation in Africa (A.I.P.M.T, 2005)
(C)similar variation in Africa and Asia

  1. De Vries gave his mutation theory on organic evolution while working on

(b) Drosophila melonagaster. .(A.I.P.M.T. 2005)
(a) Pisum sativum
(d) Althea rosea.
(c) Oenothera lamarckiana

  1. Which one of the following experiments suggests that simplest living organism could not have originated spontaneously from non-living matter ?

(b) larvae could appear in decaying organic matter
(b) microbes did not appear in stored meat
(c) microbes appeared from unsterilized organic matter .(A.I.P.M.T. 2005)
(d) meat was not spoiled, when heated and kept sealed in a vesse.

  1. Praying mantis is a good example of

(b) mullerian mimicry
(a) camouflage .(A.LP.M.T. 2006)
(c) social insects
(d)warming colouration

  1. Jurassic period of the mesozoic era is characterised by

(a) flowering plants and first dinosaurs appear
(b) gymnosperms are dominant plants and first birds appear
(c) radiation of reptiles and origin of mammal like reptiles. (A.I.P.M.T. 2006)
(d) dinosaurs become extinct and angiosperms appear

  1. Which of the following amino-acids was not found to be synthesized in Millers’s experiment ?

(b) glycerin
(a) alanine. .(A.I.P.M.T. 2006)
(d) glutamic acid
(c)aspartic acid

  1. An important evidence in favour of organic evolution is the occurrence of

(a) homologous and analogous organs
(b) homologous and vestigial organs. (A.I.P.M.T. 2006)
(c ) homologous organs only
(d) analogous and vestigial organs

  1. Adaptive radiation refers to
    (a) evolution of different species from a common ancestor
    (b) migration of members of a species to different geographical areas
    (c) power of adaptation in an individual to a variety of environments. (A.I.P.M.T. 2007)
    (d) adaptations due to geographical isolation.
  2. When two species of ditferent genealogy come to resemble each other as a result of adaptation the phenomenon’is termed
    (a) microevolution
    (b) co-evolution
    (c)convergent evolution (A.I.P.M.T. 2007
    (d) divergent evolution.
  3. The Finches of Galapagos islands provide an evidence in favour of

(a) evolution due to mutation
(b) retrogressive evolution
(d) biogeographically evolution. (A.1.P.M.T. 2007)
(c) special creation.

  1. The concept of chemical evolution is based on

(a) interaction of water, air and clay under intense heat
(b) effect of solar radiation on chemicals
(c) Possible origin of life by combination of chemicals under suitable environmental cona ions
(d) crystallization of chemicals. (A.I.P.M.T. 200

  1. Which one of the following statements is correct ?

(a) there is no evidence of the existence of gills during embryogenesis of mammals
(b) all plant and animal cells are totipotent
(c) ontogeny repeats phylogeny
(d) stem cells are specialized cells.

  1. Thorn of Bougainvilea and tendril of Cucurbita are examples of

(a) vestigial organs. (A.I.P.M.T. 2007)
(b) retrogressive evolution
(c) analogous organs
(d) homologous organs. (Prelims 2008)

  1. Which one or tne Toiowing is incorrect about the characteristics of protobionts (coacervates and micropheres) as enVisaged in the abiogenic origin of life ?

(a) they were parlaly isolated from the surroundings
(b) they could maintain an internal environment
(C) they ere able to reproduce
(d) they could separate combinations of molecules from the surroundings. (Prelims 2008)

  1. Which one of the tollowing SCientist’s name is correctly matched with the theory put forth by him?

(a) DeVries Natural selection
(b) Mendel – Theory of Pangenesis
(c) Weismann – Theory of continuity of germplasm
(d) Pasteur Inheritance of acquired characters (Prelims 2008)

  1. In the case of peppered moth (Biston betularia) the black-coloured form became dominant over the light-coloured form in England during industrial revolution. This is an example of

(a) appearance of the darker coloured individuals due to very poor sunlight
(b) protective mimicry
(c)inheritance of darker colour character acquired due to the darkened environment
(d) natural selection whereby the darker forms were selected. (Prelims 2009)

  1. Peripatus is a connecting link between
    (a) mollusca and echinodermata
    (b) annelida and arthropoda
    (c) coelenterata and porifera
    (d) etenophora and platyhelminthes. (Prelims 2009)
  2. The most apparent change during the evolutionary history of Homo sapiens is traced in

(a) loss of body hair
(b) walking upright
(d) remarkable increase in the brain size
(C)shortening of the jaws. (Mains 2010)

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