MCQs on Locomotion and Movement with Answer for NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER

MCQs on Locomotion and Movement with Answer for NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER

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Here we are uploading Question Bank on Locomotion and Movement with Answer, This will really Help you in your Preparation for Medical Entrance Exam Like NEET, AIIMS, AIPMT, JIPMER, KCET

  1. What is total number of ribs present in man ?

(d) 24.
(b) 16
(c) 20
(a) 12

  1. Muscle fatigue is caused due to accumulation of…..

(a) Acetic acid
(b) Lactic acid
(c) Malic acid
(d) Hydrochloric acid.

  1. The articulation of pelvic girdle and femur is an example of :

(a) Pivot joint
(b) Hinge joint
(c) Ball & Socket joint
(d) Gliding joint.

  1. Myoglobin is found in:
    (d) Cartilage.
    (a) Red muscle
    (b) White muscle
    (c) Bone
  2. The total number of bones in human body is :

(d) 246.
(c) 306
(b) 206
(a) 106

  1. The contraction of muscle of shortest duration is seen in

(c) Heart
(d) Intestine.
(b) Eye lid
(a) Jaw

  1. In which part of the body the strongest muscles are present ?

(d) Thigh.
(b) Jaw
(a) Arm

  1. Intercostal muscles are found in :

(d) Diaphragm.
(b) Ribs
(a) Thigh

  1. If a muscle is fatigued, the substance that accumulates in it is

(a) CO. ne
(c) Lactic acid
(b) ADP
(a) Pyruvic acid

  1. Major protein in the thick frilament of skeletal muscle fibre is

(d) Tropnin.
(b) Myosin
(a) Tropomyosin

  1. Voluntary muscular co-ordination is under control of :

(b) Cerebral hemisphere
(a) Cerebrum
(d) Medulla Oblongata.
(c) Cerebellum

  1. Autorhythmicity is a special property of the muscles of the :

(d) Kidney.
(c) Heart
(b) Intestine
(a) Liver

  1. An example of unstriated muscles which are entirely involuntary are those that are located:

(b) In the eye lids
(a) In the diaphragm
(c) At the base of external ear
(d) At the pylorus.

  1. The mobile energy source in insect muscle is.

(a) Sucrose
(a) Glucose
(c) Fructose
(b) Trehalose

  1. Name the locomotary organelles in Protozoa.

(b) Flagella
(a) Cilia
(d) All of these

  1. Which skeletal joint, permits movement in a single plane only ?

(b) Ball and socket joint
(a) Hinje joint
(a) Gliding joint
(c) Pivot joint

  1. Name the basal granules from which arises a flagelum.

(a) Blepharoplast
(b) Rhizoplast
(c) Parabasal body
(d) Cilium

  1. The locomotion in Amoeba proteus is explained by Hyman through theory.

(a) Sol-gel
(b) Adhesion
(c) Contracti on
(d) Rolling movement

  1. The blunt Pseudopodia in Amoeba is called as..

(a) Filopodia
(c) Reticulopodia
(d) Lobopodia
(b) Axopodia

  1. Knee joint is the example. joint.

(a) Hinje
(b) Pivot
(c) Spheroidal
(d) Ellipsoid

  1. Which fluid acts as a lubricant in the movable joints ?

(b) Cytoplasm
(a) Synovial fluid
(c) Sarcoplasm
(a) Lymph

  1. Which type of protozoans do not possess locomotory organelles ?

(b) Zoo flagellata
(a) Sporozoa
(c) Ciliata
(c) Sarcodina

  1. The wrist joınt is an example of …. joint

(a) Pivot
(b) Gliding
(c) Glidinng
(a) Hinje

  1. The muscle is attached with bone by.

(a) Tendon
(b) Ligament
(c) Epithelial tissue
(d) Nervous tissue

  1. Two bones are jointed by ..

(a) Ligament
(b) Muscles
(c) Tendon
(c) Epithelial tissue

  1. The total number of bones present in the human cranium and face are… &..

(a) 14 and 18
(b) 22 and 44
(c) 8 and 14
(d) 7 and 13

  1. Muscles get fatigued due to accumulation of . .

(a) Sulphuric acid
(b) Lactic acid
(c) Citric acid
(d) Hippuric acid

  1. Stiffening of the body after the death of a person is known as..

(a) Single Twitch
(b) Summation
(c) Tetanus
(d) Rigor mortis

  1. The total number of muscles in human being is…

(a) 639
(b) 936
(c) 369
(d) 669

  1. . . IS the strongest muscle.

(a) Gluteus maximus
(c) Leg muscle
(b) Jaw muscle
(d) Chest muscle

  1. According to locomotory organ, which is Wrong

(b) Paramaecium-Cilia
(a) Plasmodium-Flagella
(d) Hydra-tentacles
(c) Nereis-Parapodia

  1. Convexity of bone articulates with the concavity of other bone il.

(b) Hinje joint
(a) Gliding
(d) Ball & socket joint
(c) Pivot joint

  1. Biceps is a. muscle.

(b) Extensor
(a) Flexor
(d) None of these
(c) Both Flexor and Extensor

  1. In vertebrates, the ultimate source of ATP for muscle contraction is trom.

(a) Phosphoarginine
(b) Phosphocreatinine
(c) Tropomyosin
(d) Troponin

  1. CORI cycle operates within one of the following organs

(a) Kidney
(b) Liver
(C) Muscle
(d) Brain

  1. One of the following muscles contains myoglobin, store oxygen, rich in mitochondria.

(a) White muscle
(b) Red muscle
(c) Both
(c) None

  1. The stimulus which is unable to bring contraction is called as..

(a) Subliminal stimulus
(b) Supraliminal stimulus
(c) Threshold stimulus
(d) None.

  1. Sliding filament theory of muscle contraction was proposed by one of the following groups

(a) Huxley & Hanson
(b) Watson & Crick
(c) Bateson & Punnet
(d) Wilson & Wilson

  1. Krause’s membrane is present at one of the following sites

(a) A-band
(b) 1-band
(c) H-zone
(d) None

  1. Tropomyosin and troponin are parts of the following structures

(a) Myosin
(b) Actin
(c) both
(d) None

  1. Sarcomere is the structural and functional unit of my ofibril. it is formed of…..

(a) one A-band and one l-band
(b) 1/2 1-band, one A-band and 1/2 1-band
(c) 1/2 A-band, one l-band and 1/2 A-band
(d) 1/2 A-band and 1/2 I-band

  1. Approximately what is the number of muscles present within the human body

(b) 700
(a) 500
(d) 1000
(c) 900

  1. Find the odd man out.

(b) Elevator-Depressor
(a) Flexor-Extensor
(d) Rotator-Pronators

  1. The striated muscles which close the aperture is known as…

(b) Pronotors
(a) Dialators
(d) Rotators
(c) Constrictors

  1. Arthritis of Inflammation of joint occurs due to

(b) Ossification of articular cartilage
(a) Lack of synovoal fluid
(d) All.
(c) Deposition of uric acid crystals

  1. Slipped disc is a common disease of the back. It is due to

(b) Flattening of limb bones
(a) Slipping of girdle
(c) Defective alignment of vertebrale
(d) None

  1. The number of cervical vertebrale in mammals is 7 except one where it is 6 is

(b) Zebra
(a) Elephant
(d) Man.
(c) Sea cow

  1. An all out sprint cannot continue for more than 45 sec because muscle..

(a) Run out of oxygen
(b) Accumulation of creatine
(d) All of these
(c) Muscles collapse

  1. The H-zone in skeletal muscle fibre is due to..

(a) Absence of myofibril in the central portion of A-band
(b) Central gap between myosin filaments in A-band.
(c) The central gap between actin filaments extending through myosin filament in the A-band
(d) Extension of myosin filaments to the central portion of the A-band.

  1. Select the correct statement with respect to locomotion in humans.

(a) The vertebral column has 10 thoracic vertebraeoloeun
(b) The joint between adjacent vertebrae is a fibrous joint.
(c) A decreased level of progesterone causes osteoporosis in old people.
(d) Accumulation of uric acid crystals in joints causes their inflammation.

  1. The characteristic and an example of a synovial joint in humans is Characteristics Examples

(a) Fluid filled synovial between two bones Joint between cavity atlas and axis
(b) Lymph filled between two bones, limited Gliding joint between carpals movement
(c) Fluid cartilage between two bones, Knee joint limited movements
(d) Fluid filled between two joints, provides Skull bones cushion

  1. During muscle contraction in humans, the…..

(a) sarcomere does not shorten
(b) A band remains same
(c) A, H and I bands shorten
(d) actin filaments shorten.

  1. Select the correct statement with respect to disorders of muscles in humans…..

(a) Failure of neuromuscular transmission in myasthenia gravis can prevent normal swallowing
(b) Accumulation of urea and creatine in the joints causes their inflammation.
(c) An overdose of vitamin D causes osteo porosis.
(d) Rapid contractions of skeletal muscles cause muscle dystrophy.

  1. Select the correct statement regarding the specific disorder of muscular or skeletal syste

(a) Muscular dystrophy Age related shortening of muscles.
(b) Osteoporosis Decrease in bone mass and higher chances of fractures with advanagecing

(c) Myasthenia gravis Autoimmune disorder which inhibits sliding of myosin filaments
(d) Gout Inflammation of joints due to extra deposition of calcium.

  1. Which one of the following pairs of chemical substances, is correctly categorized?

(a) Calcitonin and thymosin thyroid hormone0s.
(b) Pepsin and prolactin two digestive enzymes secreted in stomach.
(C) Troponin and myosin complex proteins in striated muscles.
(d) Secretin and rhodopsin polypeptide hormones.

  1. Select the correct matching of the type of the joint with the example in human skeletal system Example
    Type of joint between frantal and parietal

(a) Cartilaginous joint between third and fourth cervical vertebrae.
(b) Pivot joint between humerous and pectoral girdle
(c) Hinge joint between carpals.
(d) Gliding joint

  1. Stimulation of a muscle fibre by a motor neuron occurs at:

(b) the transverse tubules
(a) the neuromuscular junction
(d) the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
(c) the myofibril

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