NEET Question on Animal Tissue with FREE PDF

These Animal tissues neet question are composed by special livelearns team from various Medical entrance exams question papers including NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER and NCERT Book. We hope these NEET Questions on Animal tissues are helpful to you to your upcoming NEET exam.

“Discover the crucial role of the epiosteum in bone growth and repair. Learn about its structure, function, and how it aids in the formation of new bone tissue. Get a deeper understanding of the epiosteum’s significance in maintaining bone health with our comprehensive guide.”

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NEET Question on Animal Tissue

36. Nerve fibres differ from muscle fibres in having 

(b) Striations 

(a) Myofibrils 

(d) Dendrites 


37. The camel’s hump is composed of a tissue which provides water when oxidized 

(b) Muscular 


(d) Adipose 

(c) Areolar 

38. The horns of a rhinoceros are composed of 

(b) Cartilage 

(a) Bone 

() Keratin 

(c) Chitin 

 39. The bone of a mammal contains Haversian canals which are connected by transverses canals, known as 

(b) Volkmann’s canals 

(a) Semi-circular cannals 

(d) Bidder’s canals 

(c)Inguinal canals 

40. A bone is distinguished from cartilage by the presence of 

(b) Blood vessels 

(a) Collagen 

(d) Haversian vessels 

(c) Lymph vessels 

41. Each nerve fibre is surrounded and held to the others in the bundle by a 

(b) Epineurium 

(a) Endoneurium 

(d) Perineurium 

(c) Exoneurium 

42. If a frog is kept under water constantly for some time, it will shed off a membrane of skin Called  

(a) Squamous epithelium 

(b) Striated epithelium 

(c)Ciliated epithelium 

(c) Ciliated epithelium 

43. Mammary glands are modified 

(b) Endocrine glands 

(a) Columnar cells 

(d) Sweat glands 

(c) Sebaceous glands 

44. Elastic cartilage can be seen in 

(b) Pinnae of mammals 

(a) Limb bones 

(d) Tracheae 

(c) Pubis of aged frog 

45. The membrane which surrounds the bone is known as 

(b) Periosteum 

(a) Perichondrium 

(d) Epiosteum 

(c) Endosteum 

46. Krause’s membrane or Z line in a myofibril separates two adjacent 

(b) H zones 

(a) Sacromeres 

(d)A bands 

(c) I bands 

47. Which of the following is ‘present in frog’s skin but not in mammalian skin 

(b) Stratum germinativum 

(a) Sebaceous glands 

(c) Malpighian layer 

(d) Mucous glands 

48. Colourless plasma without corpuscles o fibrinogen is also known as 

(b) Haemoconis 

(a) Chyle 

(d) Thrombus 

(c) Serum 

49. A nerve is nothing but a bundle of 

(a) Axons 

(b) Dendrites 


(d) Synapses 

50. In which of the following body pats, the muscles are strongest ? 

(a) Armn 

(6) Abdomen 

(c) Jaw 


51. In case of man the ratio of RBCs and WBCs in blood is about 

(a) 6:1 

(b) 60: 1 


(d) 6000:1 

52. The cells responsible for dissolving the bone matrix, are called 

(a) Osteoblasts 

(b) Osteoclasts 


(d) Osteon 

53. The efferent process of neuron is known as 

(a) Dendron 

(b) Cyton 


(c) Dendrite 

54. Cardiac muscles have properties of 

(a) Striated muscles 

(c) Mixture of both striated and unstriated muscles 

(b) Unstriated muscles 

(d) None of the above 

 55. A part of the of the body which produces certain kind of juices is called 

(a) Cell 

(b) Tissu 

(c) Organ 

(d) Gland 

56.Which one of the following sets, is of connective tissues ? 

(a)Areolar, blood and skeletal 

(b) Areolar, cartilage and glan 

(c) Elastic cartilage and ciliated epithelium 

(c) None of the above 

57. Blood is the type of 

(a) Epithelial tissue 

(b) Covering tissue 

(c) Nervous tissue 

(d) Connective tissue 

58. Lymph differs from blood in having 

(a) Only VWBCs 

(b) More RBCs and fewer WE 

(c) More WBCS and fewer RBCs 

(o) Both RBCs and WBCs 

59. Cells which secrete histamine occurin 

(a) Liver 

(b) Lungs 

(c) Connective tissue 


60. Mineral present in red pigment of vertebrate blood is 

(a) Magnesium 

(b) Iron 

(c) Copper 

(o) Calcium 

61. Which of the following tissues in mammals show the least capacity for gene- 

(a) Epithelial tissue of the skin 

(b) Endothelium of blood vess 

(c)Skeletal tissue of long bones 

(d) Nervous tissue of brain 

62. Horizontal canals present in long bones of mammals are 

(b) Haversian canal 

(a)Volkmann’s canal 

(d) None of these 

(C) Neural canal 

63. Humerus and muscles are connected with 

(b) Tendons 

(a) Ligament 

(d) None of these 

(c)Both of these 

64. In human embryo, main haemopoetic tissue Is 

(b) Liver 

(a) Spleen 

(d) Kidney 

(c) Bone marrow 

65.Epithelial tissue performs the following functions 

(a) Protection, Secretion, Absorption, Respiration 

(b) Protection, Secretion, Sensation, Absorption 

(d) a & bb 

(c) None of these 

66. Both erythrocytes and leucocytes are formed in 

(b) bone marrow 

(a) thymus 

(a) arterial walls 

(c)lymph nodes 

67.Which type of tissue forms the inner lining of blood vessel ? 


(o) Nervous 

(a) Epithelial 

(c) Muscle 

68. A bon Done is connected to another bone by 

(b) tendon 

(d) Ligament 

(a) disC 

(c) Cartilage 

69. Which of the following acts as a shock absorber to cushion the tibia and femur which comes together? 

(b) Ligament 

(d) Disc 

(a) Cartilage 

(c) Tendon 

70. Which of the following is correct ? 

(a) Blood contains both RBC& WBC but lymph contain WEBC 

(b) Lymph contains RBC & WBC but blood contains RBC 

(c) Blood contains WBC but Lymph contains RBC 

(d) Blood has RBC & WBC but Lymph contains nothing.


36. (d) 37. (d)38. (d) 39. (b)40. (d)41. (a) 42. (a)43. (d) 44. (b) 45. (b) 46. (a)47. (d)48. (c) 49. (a)50. (c)51. ()52. (b)53. (c) 54. (c)55. (d) 56. (a)57. (d)58. (a)59. (c)60. (b)61. (0) 62. (a)63. (b) 64. (a)65. (b) 66. (b)67. (a)68. (d) 69. (a)70. (a)

These Animal tissues neet question are composed by special livelearns team from various Medical entrance exams question papers including NEET, AIIMS, JIPMER and NCERT Book. We hope these NEET Questions on Animal tissues are helpful to you to your upcoming NEET exam.

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