Noise Pollution Causes, effect and Solutions of Noise Pollutions

Noise Pollution Causes, effect and Solutions of Noise Pollutions

Any artificial or natural addition of substances to our ecosystem which causes imbalance in our biosphere is called pollution. Such substances that cause pollution are called pollutants. And noise or sound has become a dreaded pollutant today……….

Genetics and Evolution Important Questions With Free Answers Pdf

Genetics and Evolution Important Questions With Answers pdf

NCERT Solutions For Class 12 Science Biology Genetics and Evolution: In this article, we will provide you detailed NCERT Solutions For class 12 science biology Genetics and Evolution. These heredity and evolution class 10 exercise answers were prepared by the best faculty in India to score good marks in the subject Science……

Know about Biodiversity! Why Is it Important?

Know about Biodiversity! Why Is it Important?

There are various types of organisms present around us. The predicted number of total species on this earth varies from 5 to 50 million and the average at 14 million, but only 1.7 million have been described till today and the distribution is highly uneven………..

Plant Nutrition, Nutrition in Plants || Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Nutrition || Parasitism, Mutualism & Insectivorous Plants

Nutrition Nutrition in Plants Autotrophic Nutrition & Heterotrophic Nutrition

Diverse forms of organisms have made earth their abode. There are tall trees, massive trees, very small plants etc. Despite the variety in forms and structure, all require energy for sustenance that comes from food in the form of organic compounds. This is absolutely necessary for their growth, development and metabolism………….

Amino Acids

Amino acids

Amino acids are the essential constituent of all living cells. They are the building blocks of proteins. Chemically, amino acids are nitrogenous compounds having both an acidic carboxyl (-COOH) group and a basic amino (-NH²) group………….

Nutrition || Nutrition in Plants || Autotrophic Nutrition & Heterotrophic Nutrition

Nutrition Nutrition in Plants Autotrophic Nutrition & Heterotrophic Nutrition

Nutrition is the biochemical and physiological process by which an organism use food to support its life. Plants are also living things; they have cells and tissues, they also grow in size and girth and most importantly they are the producers of the ecosystem………..