What is Blockchain Technology Briefly Explain how it works and How it is Popular?


Whereas most technologies tend to automate workers on the periphery doing menial tasks, blockchains automate away the center. Instead of putting the taxi driver out of a job, blockchain puts Uber out of a job and lets the taxi drivers work with the customer directly…………

Cybersecurity: A Digital Protection; Everything You Need to Know About Cybersecurity


Cyber security consists of technologies, processes and controls designed to protect systems, networks, programs, devices and data from cyber attacks. state of being protected against the criminal or unauthorized use of electronic data, or the measures taken to achieve this………….

Artificial Intelligence : A Technology That Can Change The World


Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a human mind such as learning and problem-solving.

Technology: A Boon or a Curse to mankind

Technology:A Boon or a Curse to mankind

Technology: A Boon or a Curse to mankind “It’s not that we use technology, We live technology.” The current youth has become accustomed to immidiacy of information , leaving aside the acquisition of knowledge in the medium and long-term, as they assume that as everything at hand, it is not necessary to develop into any topic of academic or artistic relevance. Also they are more aware of viral trends that appear on pages like Instagram, Facebook or YouTube etc. On the other hand, many times people prefer to build relationships in social networks instead of doing in real.