What is the probability of a man with blood group AB and a woman with blood group O having a blood group AB child ?

What is the probability of a man with blood group AB and a woman with blood group O having a blood group AB child ?

(a) 0

(b) 1/2

(c) 1/4

(d) 1/8

Ans:- A

Genetics and Evolution NEET Questions With Answers pdf 

1. Which of the following acts as a vehicle of genetic material ?

2. The member of the allelic pair which does not express in the presence of the other member is called as

3. The scientist who converted Mendel’s work into Laws of Genetics was

4. The term factor was proposed by

5. Mendel was born in the year-3

6. Organisms phenotypically similar but genotypically dissimilar are due to the phenomenon of

7. In which generation the segregation of allelic phenotypes take place

8. How many chromosomes contained the genes of the pairs of contrasts characters studied by Mendel ?

9. The 4 daughter cells derived from a single meiosis differ from each other due to

10. Inheritance of ABO Blood Group demonstrates the phenomenon of

Genetics and Evolution NEET Questions With Answers pdf 


1. ABO Blood Group system was discovered by

2. ABO Blood Group System is seen to occur in

3. The journal in which Mendel’s work was republished was

4. The F generation is always

5. Genome is

6. A cross between an offspring and either of its parents is called

7. The type of backcross which distinguish between a homozygous dominant and a heterozygous genotype is

8. Which is the only universally true Law of Mendel ?

9.What is the exception to the Law of Independent assortment?

10. The term ‘Gene’ was proposed by

Genetics and Evolution NEET Questions With Answers pdf 

Set:- 03

1. The term Genetics’ was introduced by

2. The term Genotype’ was introduced by

3. The term Homozygous’ was introduced by

4. Polygeny was proposed by

5. Polygeny was proposed by Human skin colour is a case of

6. The inheritance of flower colour by Lathyrus odoratus is a phenomenon of

7. Which plant was used by Correns to demonstrate incomplete dominance

8. What is the phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation in complementary genes phenomenon ?

9. What is the phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation as demonstrated by supplementary genes ?

10. The phenotypic ratio demonstrated by dominant epistasis in the F2 generation is

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Set:- 04

1. The test cross ratio shown by the genotype Tt is

2. The test cross ratio shown by the genotype AABBCCDdEE will be

3. The number of genotypic recombinations possible due to the 3 alleles in case of human blood group system are

4. The number of types of phenotypes formed in case of polygeny dealing with human skin colour is

5. The phenotypic ratio in the F2 generation of a case of polygeny dealing with two pairs of polygenes is

6. Who proposed the experimental evidence of polygenic inheritance ?

7. In biparental reproduction, the offspring

8. Mendel was

9. Mendel is famous for his experiments on

10. Which of the following represents a pair of contrasting characters?

Genetics and Evolution NEET Questions With Answers pdf 

Set:- 05 

1. geometrical device which helps in visualizing all the possible combinations of male and female gametes is called

2. If a plant heterozygous for tallness is selfed, the Fy generation has both tall and dwarf plants. It proves the principle of

3. Segregation of hereditary factors, occurs in plants during the process of

4. An offspring of two homozygous parents differing from one another by alleles at only one gene locus is known as

5. Somaclonal variations are

6. A clone is a collection of genetically

7. Number of characters studied in garden pea by Mendel were

8. The process of removing stamens from the flower bud during hybridisation is called

9. Which of the following characters of pea was not studied by Mendel ?

10. Most extensively studied material in genetics is

Genetics and Evolution NEET Questions With Answers pdf 

Set:- 06

1. Blood groups are controlled by genes and are hence hereditary. Which group is most common in India ?

2. When both alleles express their effect on being present together, the phenomenon is called

3. Which cross will give a genotypic ratio of 1 :2:21?

4. A cross YYRr X YyRR, the offsprings will show the genotypic ratio

5. The ratio 27: 9:9:9:3:3:3:1 is

6. What blood group found in offspring in a marriage between blood group A man and blood group AB woman will prove man to the heterozygous?

7. Two normally pigmented parents have an albino child. Their second child is normally pigmented. What is the probability that their child is an albino?

8. The ratio 9: 7 was seen in case of

9. A hybrid red coloured plant was selfed and 1600 seeds were produced. How many will be red in colour ?

10. What will be the probability of a child born to parents having blood group AB and blood group AB to be blood group AB ?

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Set:- 07

1. What will never be father’s blood group if the mother has blood group B and child blood group O

2. What will be the genotype of the woman who is normally pigmented who if marries an albino man produces a normal offspring and an albino offspring in the ratio 1: 1?

3. Segregation of genes occur in

4. How many out of 10 million sperms in a man with genotype AaBb will have both recessive alleles ?

5. If a plant with genotype R,R,R,R, produces potatoes of 240 gram weigh, while r,rroFo produces potatoes 100 grams in weight. What will be the weight of potatoes in a plant R,R,Rro ?

6. If Mendel has studied the 7 traits using a plant with 12 chromosomes instead of 14, how could his interpretations vary ?

7. 1:2 : 1 is a ratio which is found in

8. In case of multiple allelism dealing with Human Blood Groups what is the Probability of a child born to Blood Group A mother and Blood Group B father to have Blood Group O ? 

9. What is the probability of a child born to blood group AB mother and blood group O father to have blood group A?

10. What is the probability of a man with blood group AB and a woman with blood group O having a blood group AB child ?

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Set:- 08

1. Which Blood Group appearing in a child born to Blood Group A man and Blood Group AB woman will prove the man to be heterozygous?

2. A child has Blood Group A; his mother Blood Group O. What is the probability that a man having blood group AB claiming to be the father is telling the truth?

3.In a selfing type of cross, each parent contributes 32 types of gametes. How many boxes will be present in the Punnett square of such a cross?

4.In a selfing type of cross, 81 types of genotypes are produced. How many types of phenotypes will be present ? 


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